Tag Archives: Teen Titans

Should I EVER listen to Marv Wolfman?

My life and career have intersected with the wondrous Marv Wolfman at many points along the way. I am proud to call him my friend … or at least a friendly acquaintance. If you’re reading this Marv, the next lunch is on me. I plan to pay up really soon. 

Tomb of Dracula #54 cover by Gene Colan

TRULY GREAT: Tomb of Dracula #54 cover by Gene Colan

I first became aware of Marv Wolfman in high school when I was reading as many Marvel Comics as I could get my hands on. Sometimes that was quite difficult. Remind me to tell the story someday soon about how I almost froze to death during high school in my pursuit of new release comics.

For a comic frame of reference, I essentially grew up in Smallville. I lived on farmland five miles from the nearest town, Claremont, Minnesota (pop. 620). It had one very small convenience grocery store that carried comics. Even though new comics came in only once a week or so, I visited that little rack of comics every day at lunchtime. Continue reading


Filed under Behind the Scenes, Fanatical History

Furry Fanatics of Fame

askthedwo1In response to my ASK THE DWO post yesterday, there was an interesting question that will be answered here, but it also brings up another question which I’m going need some help with from the FANATICAL readers here.

PAUL asks …

“When does hair become fur? I mean, what is the dividing line? Is it just a species thing, or can you find hair and fur on the same creature?”

DWO answers …

There seems to be a lot of difference of opinion on this one, but as best as my research can uncover there is no scientific difference. The Inhuman’s Medusa has hair, the X-Men’s Beast has fur. One definition I found said:

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Filed under Ask The DWO, Trivial Fanatics