Tag Archives: Marv Wolfman

My upcoming convention appearances (fall 2013)

So to anyone that regularly follows this sporadic blog, I apologize. I really had hoped to post a little something each day of Comic-Con 2013 San Diego. I failed. Spilled milk at this point … time to move on.

If you want to see me in person, I will be attending the following conventions this fall (2013).


Central Coast Comic ConAccording to their website, this convention will be “taking over the Ventura County Fairgrounds. We now have four buildings at the fair grounds for C4. Two for panels & workshops, one for gaming and the main vendor and guests hall. 
 New Beginning’s equals new Memories.”

Also in attendance at this show will be old friends Marat Mychaels, Matt Hawkins and Howard Chaykin.

Check out the details and get tickets at: http://www.venturacomiccon.com/

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Long Beach Comic HorrorIf the recent attendance at San Diego Con and WonderCon in Anaheim are any indication, this show should be well attended, but not so big that you make yourself crazy.

Attending this show will be old friends and work colleagues Marv Wolfman, Mark Waid, Gene Ha, Barbara Kesel plus the hardest working man in comics Jimmy Palmiotti and his new bride (and my favorite all-around cartoonist) Amanda Conner.

Make your plans to attend now and register at: http://www.longbeachcomiccon.com/

And if you haven’t been keeping up with my comings and goings lately, I’m currently VP at Space Goat Productions. Check out the website at http://www.spacegoatproductions.com

That’s my version of the story,

Dave Olbrich (Aug. 13, 2013)

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Filed under Fanatic General

Artist Brent Anderson, Shanna, $30 and an elevator

I had breakfast with Marv Wolfman this morning (no fanatic fear of name-dropping here) and he mentioned he was working on a project with Astro City artist Brent Anderson and it reminded me that I needed to post the following story.

Alex Ross Cover to Busiek/Anderson ASTRO CITY

Alex Ross Cover to Busiek/Anderson ASTRO CITY

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It was a San Diego hotel during Comic Con International sometime in 1989 or 1990. After a long day of pressing the flesh and manning the Malibu booth, I was exhausted, standing in a small crowd, waiting to take an elevator to my room. Then I saw him, comics veteran artist Brent Anderson approaching where I stood. Immediately the “small voice” of guilt started to nag at the back of my brain. I couldn’t avoid him any longer. I was going to have to DEAL with Brent Anderson.

To understand my dilemma, dear fanatic reader, you’re going to need some background. (Sorry, I just channeled Stan Lee’s Soapbox there for a second.) Continue reading


Filed under Behind the Scenes, Fanatical History, Road Warriors

Miscellaneous Monday: Dec. 22, 2008 (abbreviated)


creatureid1In the Summer of 1990, a title was released called  Creatures of the Id #1

Name the publishing company, the person serving as publisher, the creator behind the comic and the popular character (that currently has a movie optioned) that made its first appearance here?





The comic executive whose, “resume includes jobs at Eclipse, Dark Horse, Wildstorm and Todd McFarlane Entertainment” is, of course, the talented Ted Adams at IDW Publishing. He along with four partners founded IDW (Idea & Design Works) to be a creative services company in 1999. Under Ted’s guidance and with the help of a smart and creative staff, IDW has grown to a company with 20 full-time employees and 150+ freelancers. In 2007, Adams negotiated the sale of a majority interest in IDW to IDT’s Internet Mobile Group. IDW has been named ‘Publisher of the Year’ in 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2008 by Diamond Comic Distributors. Fanatic comic readers probably know IDW best for either their many licensed properties (like Transformers, Star Trek or G.I. Joe) or for well-received originals (like 30 Days of Night). Continue reading


Filed under Miscellaneous Monday

Should I EVER listen to Marv Wolfman?

My life and career have intersected with the wondrous Marv Wolfman at many points along the way. I am proud to call him my friend … or at least a friendly acquaintance. If you’re reading this Marv, the next lunch is on me. I plan to pay up really soon. 

Tomb of Dracula #54 cover by Gene Colan

TRULY GREAT: Tomb of Dracula #54 cover by Gene Colan

I first became aware of Marv Wolfman in high school when I was reading as many Marvel Comics as I could get my hands on. Sometimes that was quite difficult. Remind me to tell the story someday soon about how I almost froze to death during high school in my pursuit of new release comics.

For a comic frame of reference, I essentially grew up in Smallville. I lived on farmland five miles from the nearest town, Claremont, Minnesota (pop. 620). It had one very small convenience grocery store that carried comics. Even though new comics came in only once a week or so, I visited that little rack of comics every day at lunchtime. Continue reading


Filed under Behind the Scenes, Fanatical History