Tag Archives: Tarzan

Thanks to the annoying kid in the front of the room

Okay, the title of this post is a vicious and unnecessary potshot at someone I like. But it is my blog, so sue me.

classroomEveryone knows the kid I’m talking about. The one that sits at the front of the classroom and is the first one to put his hand up when the teacher asks a question. Well, in the blog business, people visit but don’t want to go on the record and comment, so  THANK YOU so much for the kid in the front of the room. Thanks to Paul for posting yet another question in my little experiment called ASK THE DWO

codesealPaul asks …

What was the deal with that “Comics Code Authority” stamp on the cover of all my comics from the 1970s … the one we don’t see any more. Was there really an authority, a board of wise philosopher kings that reviewed every book and then put a stamp on it, or was it just some graphic they slapped on the cover without any actual oversite?

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Filed under Ask The DWO, Behind the Scenes, Fanatical History, Trivial Fanatics